Texas Rio Grande Valley

In the southernmost reaches of Texas, where the Rio Grande River reaches the Gulf of Mexico, the habitat and wildlife are more reminiscent of Tamaulipas, Mexico than anywhere else in the United States. The unique bird species that thrive here and nowhere else in the country plus the perpetual possibility of mega-rarities from Mexico make the Rio Grande Valley a premier and legendary birding destination.
Join us on our fall tour of The Valley as we survey the landscapes this region has to offer in search of its tantalizing birdlife. We will venture through oak and mesquite thorn forests that host iconic Green Jays, Great Kiskadees, and Altamira Orioles. Our journey will take us to wetlands teeming with shorebirds, waders, and waterfowl–many of which have recently migrated here from the northern reaches of the continent. We’ll also visit coastal dune scrub and tidal marshes patrolled by Aplomado Falcons, Crested Caracaras, and White-tailed Hawks.
Come along as we explore the birding hotspots of the Rio Grande Valley and discover firsthand why birders from across the country flock to The Valley.
- A variety of raptors, including southern specialities like White-tailed Hawk, Gray Hawk, Zone-tailed Hawk, Aplomado Falcon, and Crested Caracara
- A host of South Texas specialties, including Ringed and Green Kingfishers, White-tipped Dove, Buff-bellied Hummingbird, Groove-billed Ani, Green Jay, Great Kiskadee, Northern Beardless-Tyrannulet, Olive Sparrow, Morelet’s Seedeater, Altamira Oriole, Audubon’s Oriole, and much more
- Naturalized Red-crowned Parrot and Green Parakeet
- Possible southern vagrants, including Masked Duck, Northern Jacana, Hook-billed Kite, Crimson-collared Grosbeak, Tropical Parula, and Blue Bunting
Key locations
Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge, Resaca de la Palma State Park, World Birding Center, South Padre Island, Estero Llano Grande State Park, Bentsen Rio Grande Valley State Park, Quinta Mazatlan, Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge, Salineño Wildlife Preserve
- We will explore the unique oak and mesquite thorn forests in search of iconic South Texas birds
- Our tour will visit lush wetlands teeming with flocks of shorebirds, waders, and waterfowl
- In addition to targeting the expected birdlife of the Rio Grande Valley, we will seek out rarities that have arrived from Mexico–you never know what will be found next in the RGV!
More Details
Holiday Inn Express Harlingen (2 nights), Alamo Inn Bed & Breakfast (4 nights)
Weather and climate
Expect warm weather, reaching daily highs around 80°F/27°C, dropping to about 60°F/16°C at night.
Moderate: Fair amount of walking with frequent breaks to observe birds and occasional feeder sits. Some flat surfaces and minor elevation gains, uneven or rocky terrain possible, 1-3 hours on your feet, moderate periods away from vehicle.
Tour Details
Price: $2,549 per-person, double occupancy
Single Supplement: $260
Included: Accommodations, ground transportation, meals from dinner on first day to breakfast on last day, birding guide/tour leader and entrance fees.
Not Included: Airfare, personal items such as alcoholic beverages, soft drinks, gift shop, laundry, tips, etc. are not included.
From: McAllen (MFE)
Minimum Participants: 6
Participant Limit: 10
Activity Level: Moderate
Deposit: 30% per-person deposit is required to hold your spot on this tour (with your registration form)
Tour Leader: Ken Blankenship