Arizona Sky Islands

Situated between the temperate Rocky Mountains to the north and the tropical Sierra Madre Occidental to the south lie the Sky Islands of southeastern Arizona. These isolated mountain ranges rise above a sea of grassland and desert scrub, forming montane stepping stones between the Rockies and Mexico. Here, at the northernmost extent of their breeding range, species found nowhere else in the United States make their homes–species like Elegant Trogon, Rose-throated Becard, and Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher. Nearly 500 species of birds have been reported in southeastern Arizona along with a tremendous diversity of herpetofauna and mammals. The varied and unique geography of this region supports some of the richest abundance of both plant and animal life in the country.
Join us for an “island hopping” adventure across complex geography and elevation changes to experience this region of tremendous biological diversity. Our tour takes advantage of the cooler, wetter summer monsoon season as we travel a loop from Tucson across the Santa Catalina, Santa Rita, Huachuca, and Chiricahua Mountain Ranges, with opportunities to explore both the Sonoran and Chihuahuan Deserts. For 9 days, we’ll explore one of North America’s premier birding destinations, targeting birdlife found nowhere else north of Mexico and seeking rarities that give southeast Arizona its legendary reputation.
- Desert and dry scrub specialties such as Scaled Quail, Harris’s Hawk, Cactus Wren, Verdin, Gila and Ladder-backed Woodpeckers, and Crissal and Bendire’s Thrashers
- An impressive list of hummingbird species, including many that are difficult to find elsewhere in the US such as Broad-billed, Rivoli’s, Berylline, Violet-crowned, Lucifer, White-eared, and Blue-throated Mountain-gem
- Nocturnal birds found in this region, including Mexican Spotted Owl, Elf Owl, Whiskered Screech-Owl, and Mexican Whip-poor-will
- Southeastern Arizona specialities, including Elegant Trogon, Montezuma Quail, Mexican Chickadee, Olive Warbler, Yellow-eyed Junco, Arizona Woodpecker, Bridled Titmouse, Painted Redstart and so much more
Key locations
Santa Catalina Mountains, Madera Canyon (Santa Rita Mountains), Santa Cruz River, Huachuca Mountains, Chihuahuan Desert, Chiricahua Mountains, Southwestern Research Station
- Birding in the fascinating habitats and geography of the Sky Islands, home to numerous bird species that are found nowhere elsewhere north of Mexico
- Experience the incredible hummingbird diversity of southeastern Arizona–higher than anywhere else in the United States
- Birding in both the Sonoran and Chihuahuan Deserts, each home to a unique set of plants, birds, and other wildlife
More Details
Weather and climate
At low elevations, we expect hot, dry conditions (often around 100°F/38°C) that may be broken up by sudden localized monsoon rains. In the evenings and at higher elevations, cooler temperatures as low as 60°F/16°C are possible.
Tour Details
Price: $3,298 per person, double occupancy
Single Supplement: $750
Included: Lodging, meals, in-country transportation, guide, park entrance fees.
Not Included: Passport Fees, Visa Fees, International Airfare, alcoholic beverages, personal items, tips, travel insurance.
From: Tucson, Arizona
Minimum Participants: 6
Participant Limit: 10
Activity Level: Easy to moderate
Deposit: $1,000 per person is required to hold your spot on this tour (with your registration form)
Tour Leader: Kim Score