James Adams
Owner, Guide, Tour Leader
James’ love for nature began almost at once, and his earliest memories are of immersing himself in the forests and streams of the northeastern US. In 1999, a love for tropical rain forests, coral reefs, and Mayan ruins, led him to Honduras where he served as guide, head naturalist, and manager at a leading birding and nature lodge for 18 years.
James is the organizer of the Honduras Birding for Conservation Tour, and a leader in the conservation community in Honduras. James also uses his photography to promote conservation of the natural world. His wildlife photography and stories have appeared in numerous books and magazines, and have enlightened and educated people across the globe. He has led expeditions and tours to some of the most remote parts of Central America, as well as to South America, North America and Asia. James’ direction of Natural Selections is in keeping with his mission of teaching and sharing his deep reverence for nature, with everyone.

Wesley Homoya
Wes Homoya was born and raised in Indiana, and as such is a firm believer in practicing Hoosier hospitality- living graciously with each other on this planet we all call home. This ethic was instilled in him by his parents: Barb, a nature-loving nurse who taught him compassion for little things like salamanders, and Michael, a botanist and author who exemplified not only why it’s important to know the names of the flora and fauna around you, but why we must share this knowledge with others. Eventually this desire to learn led to studying ecology and ornithology at Purdue under Dr. Barny Dunning.
Various employments since have allowed him to live, work, and bird in places as varied as Australia, Maui, Brazil, the Galapagos, Hungary, Hong Kong, Cuba, Trinidad & Tobago, and Ecuador. Currently, Wes resides in Indy and spends his days conducting avian surveys in Colorado, foraging wild ingredients for his brother’s libations at Ash & Elm Cider, and being an ambassador for birds and conservation in any way he can, whether via the Lights Out Indy project for the local Audubon chapter or getting folks pumped up about birds n booze at his popular event series Feathers & Fermentation.